From the time we’re kids, we’re taught that there’s a particular path to success. If we veer too far off the path, we’ll be destined for failure. What they don’t tell us is that staying on the path leads to a boring, complacent life.
Living a life that’s bursting with innovation and creativity is well within your reach. All it takes is a little change in your mindset.
In Jump First, Think Fast: An Unconventional Approach to High Performance, highly regarded business titan and long-standing innovator Frank O’Connell—whose numerous accomplishments include serving as President of Reebok Brands, President of HBO Video, and CEO of Indian Motorcycles—brings an insider’s view on becoming a high performer by overcoming obstacles and fears.
Drawing on his own at-times-breathtaking career moves—including a Reebok ad featuring bungee jumpers and a commercial debuting Magic Johnson’s son—to his own stunning career ladder, which started on a financially strapped farm run by his widowed mother and then escalated to boardrooms such as Mattel and HBO Video and Reebok, O’Connell shows through his own tales that the sky is always the limit—and always worth the risk.
The scenes from his personal and professional life, which he tells in a matter-of-fact, upbeat tone, provide readers with the right mix of authenticity, dare, optimism, and inspiration.
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